Thursday, September 9, 2010

4 + 1 + 0

The reality of not having any more children sets in this week. I have been in this mental state before. I longed for it. It was excitement and relief. This time I feel a small pang of loss and sadness. I am in a new happier chapter, and a small part of me fights against this permanence. Of course it is only natural to want to share something so sacred with someone you love so much.

They run, and they play, and they are busy. There are plenty of them. All special and unique. It is funny how each little person is so different. How they fit into your life so you can't imagine the world without them. I am grateful to be given the opportunity to share in the lives of these 5 children and I know that we are complete. I know that it isn't necessary to have a child together to share our joy and our love and our hopes. I know we already have something sacred.


  1. Raquel! I love your blog. It is beautiful. Your background is perfect. I am excited you are finally starting a blog.

  2. Thanks for letting me know you have a blog. :) You are a very poetic writer! Your style makes me think while reading your blog I am enjoying a great literary novel. :) Plus now I feel like I'm keeping in touch since I don't do facebook.
