Thursday, December 9, 2010


Nothing stays the same. Life changes, people change, environment, and even I am constantly evolving. Yet few people embrace new things. It is beyond our comfort zone. However we pick up wisdom and priroities along the way. We see what becomes individually important to us, and what we can let slide. I am not one to run head first into unfamiliar territory. I sort of wait til I am pushed off the cliff. Every time I come out somehow better, stronger, and smarter. Then I am thankful. Not for the experience, but for the insight I have achieved. Often I wish I had the knowledge of what I know now back when I was 20. I could have made things so much easier for myself. Now I understand what it means to try to impart your logic onto your children or anyone for that matter. You want to give them the lessons you learned. They will have none of that. The most life changing lessons can only be learned through experience. I still learn everyday, and perhaps that knowledge is the sign of wisdom. In all parts of my life I can attribute everything I am, every good useful thing to a person. To someone that actaully got my attention long enough to make an impact. I am a good CT tech because there were great people to learn from. I am good friend because I have great ones to pattern myself after. I am a good mom and there are lots of people that deserve credit for that. I am a good spouse because I have a wonderfully attentive husband who makes me want to be a better person. I have come to accept myself and my faults. This is easy enough to do. It is the accepting of my strengths that is hard. One of these days maybe I will be able to touch someones life. Maybe I will have enough wisdom to push them over the cliff as it were and be part of their life experience.